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Thank you for your interest in volunteering with CCS! Our work would not be possible without you.

Volunteer roles range from Counseling Trainees, Sexual Assault and Housing Advocates, to Attorneys, and Outreach and Prevention Volunteers. Additionally, CCS is supported by the Board of Directors, Advisory Board, Hidden Valley House and Project Safehouse Auxiliaries, event volunteers, and development interns.

What is required to be a CCS volunteer?

  • All CCS volunteer positions require an application and interview process with CCS staff and a criminal background check.
  • All positions except Special Event Volunteer and some admin roles require completion of our 65.5-Hour Crisis Intervention Training (CIT).
  • All positions except Special Event Volunteer require a 3 to 12-month minimum commitment.

Open Volunteer Positions

Shelter Ambassadors

Hidden Valley House and Project Safe House Auxiliaries

Members of our two Auxiliaries are CCS volunteers who dedicate their time to make the shelters as comfortable and welcoming as possible.

If you have any questions about volunteering, please call 858-272-5777.


Start the Convo to raise awareness and end sexual assault. #StartTheConvo campaign is a call to action for every member of our community to give their support and #StartTheConvo around preventing intimate partner violence and sexual violence. We stand in solidarity with all survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. We all have a role in ending violence.

The highest incidence of rape affects mostly yong women between the ages of 16 and 24. Don’t be a bystander! It’s time to talk with your friends, family, and loved ones! Join us as we #StartTheConvo!