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Our Story

Since 1969

Center for Community Solutions (CCS) is a San Diego-based nonprofit organization dedicated to ending relationship and sexual violence.

Since 1969, CCS has been providing trauma-informed, wrap-around services to empower survivors as they heal and recover from trauma. CCS’ free services include a 24/7 confidential crisis hotline, four domestic violence shelters, counseling, legal services, safety planning, prevention education and more.

Woman smiling in city downtown


It is the mission of Center for Community Solutions to end relationship and sexual violence by being a catalyst for caring communities and social justice.

Two women smiling with arms around each other at beach


Our vision is for all people to live full, free, expressive and empowered lives in a safe, vibrant, healthy and peaceful community.

Our History

50 Years of Changing Lives

Since 1969, CCS has been committed to the prevention of violence and abuse by changing the social conditions that breed and tolerate their existence. Key agency accomplishments include:

  • 2019


    CCS launched FX, a program designed to provide higher risk youth populations with dating violence prevention education.

    CCS was awarded a contract to outstation an advocate at Southwestern College, in order to provide sexual assault services to students. In total, CCS will have a presence on 8 local college campuses.

  • 2018


    CCS deepened its commitment to serve survivors of violence who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened, or DeafBlind, and/or individuals living with intellectual or developmental disabilities through a grant from the Office on Violence Against Women.

    CCS expands long-term housing and advocacy options through the Housing First Program, making services for safe and stable housing a key component to long-term survivor self-sufficiency.
  • 2017


    CCS founders, Carol Council and Joyce Nower, are inducted into San Diego's Women's Hall of Fame, for their groundbreaking efforts to end violence against women in 1969.
  • 2013


    CCS, in partnership with Peace Over Violence in Los Angeles, launches Trauma Resiliency Integration Using Multiple Pathways to Healing (TRIUMPH), an effort to build core competencies in evidence-based, trauma-informed, resiliency-enhancing therapeutic approaches for counseling professionals as well as others who work with survivors.
  • 2011


    CSS is coordinator for the newly launched San Diego High Risk Team, a multi-disciplinary team that includes the San Diego District Attorney, San Diego Police Department and San Diego Probation Department, to review and coordinate care on domestic violence cases where lethality risk is high.
  • 2008


    CCS purchases Next Step, our long-term housing complex in North County.
  • 1999


    CCS expands its residential services for families experiencing domestic violence by adding transitional housing services to existing emergency shelter services.
  • 1988


    CCS opens Project Safehouse, a full-service shelter allowing stays of up to 28 days. It is the first facility to address the lack of emergency housing for survivors of relationship violence in South and East San Diego County.
  • 1986


    CCS begins providing state-mandated training to the San Diego Police Department and the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. At the request of CCS, a series of meetings with law enforcement officials leads to the formation of a formal domestic violence liaison with the San Diego Police Department.
  • 1983


    Center for Community Solutions opens the first Temporary Restraining Order Clinic for women in California. CCS becomes the first organization in California to provide formal counseling for women and children who are survivors of domestic violence.
  • 1980


    The Rape Crisis Center is launched with state funding.
  • 1977


    CCS opens San Diego’s first 24-hour hotline for victims of domestic violence.

    An “underground railroad” (a network of private homes and emergency resources) is organized to help women escape from violent or abusive environments and establish new lives in San Diego County.
  • 1969


    CCS is established as Center for Women’s Studies and Services, a seven-component political, educational and service organization at San Diego State University.

CCS Tax ID #: 95-6379598  


Start the Convo to raise awareness and end sexual assault. #StartTheConvo campaign is a call to action for every member of our community to give their support and #StartTheConvo around preventing intimate partner violence and sexual violence. We stand in solidarity with all survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. We all have a role in ending violence.

The highest incidence of rape affects mostly yong women between the ages of 16 and 24. Don’t be a bystander! It’s time to talk with your friends, family, and loved ones! Join us as we #StartTheConvo!