We are here for our San Diego County community. CCS is committed to a client services environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. CCS assists all victims of relationship violence and sexual assault in San Diego County. Our hotline is a confidential 24/7 resource.

Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month February 1-28
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month February 1-28

Our mission is to end relationship and sexual violence.
Together, we can make a difference.
Our mission is to end relationship and sexual violence.
Together, we can make a difference.
We support survivors & prevent assault.

2024 Data at a Glance
Total individuals served
Total individuals served.
Adults and children received 10,938 nights of safety.
Calls answered on 24-hour hotline.
Our Impact
From the bottom of our hearts from me and my kids, thank you for keeping us safe and moving us onto a better path.